Wednesday 7 December 2011

Flatulence in Infants

Babies, especially in the first months, can experience flatulence and stomach bloating symptoms followed by abdominal pain. The baby pulls the legs sharply and the stomach feels tight and hard. This can be caused by a  variety of reasons.

Bloating in babies can occur in 25 - 50 % of infants who otherwise are generally healthy. The situation can be very stressful for parents and this stress is transfered back to the baby. Another term generally use in infant colic.

It is not exactly clear what triggers these symptoms. The metabolism of infants differs from that of adults. This is true especially by the rapid growth as in the first 6 months of the birth, the baby's weight is approximately doubled and almost tripled in the first year of life. At birth, some enzymes are not yet fully operational, such as the salivary and pancreatic amylase or the activity of the lactose-splitting enzyme in the baby.
Occasional bloating is normal and due to the developing gut flora in a baby. In the gastrointestinal tract are formed by the decomposition and conversion processes of different gases. The intolerance of milk sugar (lactase deficiency) and gluten (celiac disease) or malfunction of the pancreas (pancreatic insufficiency) also contribute to gas formation in the body. Psychosomatic factors (parents' anxiety, tension, etc.) may also play a role, such as difficulties in the parent-child relationship. 

This negative cycle can be rotated in both directions and intensify. Often fail to recognize, whether it caused by the stomach by the screams of pain to increased unrest and conflict in the parent-child relationship, or whether problems and tensions in the parent-child relationship lead to increased anxiety in the infant. Crying babies swallow more air and, thus, they can suffer increased colic. 

Flatulence in infants with abdominal cramps are due to gas in the intestines. It is unclear whether these children actually produce more gas compared to others, or if they are just more sensitive. Very often the symptoms occur always at the same time of day, normally in the afternoon or evening. These infants suffering from flatulence are restless, cry and make most typical movements of the legs: they attract only spasmodically, and then stretch it violently away. Babies with flatulence are usually otherwise completely healthy, drink and thrive well. When symptoms first occur, parents should consult their pediatrician and seek appropriate assistance where appropriate, possibly in specialized clinics with established medical experts.

Flatulence Causes and Remedies

There are a number of reasons for flatulence causes. Some can be more or less harmless while others may indicate a serious illness.

Coffee consumption causes bloating and frequent bowel movement in the body. Often, when eating or drinking air "swallowed" (aerophagia) adds to the air collection in the body. Also the consumption of carbonated drinks is absorbed gas which is then released into the intestinal tract. Additional causes on stomach bloating are:
  • Consumption of foods such as onions, cabbage, legumes or white bread
  • An out of balance intestinal flora
  • Hasty food consumption
  • Swallowing air, for example by chewing gum
  • Mainly vegetarian diet (rich in fiber and cellulose)
  • Lack of exercise

The digestive process can be caused by microorganisms in the intestinal gas. This is the case, if not sufficient, and the secretion of gastric juice for digestion of the pancreas. Then the protein decomposed by bacteria in the gut and there are foul smelling gases. The fermentative dyspepsia is very similar. Here, certain carbohydrates such as fiber are not digested. They go on through the bacterial activity in fermentation with gas production.Similarly, certain sugars (saccharides) can lead to bloating. This is often the case with milk sugar (lactose), fruit sugar (fructose), sorbitol, xylitol and maltitol.
This is not sufficient digestion is called malabsorption. These include maldigestion, where the food is not sufficiently digested, and malabsorption where the nutrients are absorbed incompletely. The causes of these diseases in the stomach, pancreas, liver or bile ducts, and intestine itself lie. Even irritable bowel syndrome can be the cause of flatulence. 
Stress factors can also lead to tension in the muscles therefore hindering the escape of gases and causing pain.

Anyone who suffers from stomach bloating can try to treat flatulence with a few home remedies initially. This home remedy for flatulence will not only help in the relief of bloating but also prevent flatulence. 
Avoid foods that generates gases inthe body as much as possible. These foods include cabbage, onions, legumes, fresh pastries and carbonated beverages. 
- Medical Diagnosis. Lactose intolerance sufferers who after eating dairy products may experience flatulence, bloating and abdominal cramps. Lactose intolerance sufferers should be careful of the food types they consume.
- Chewing your food thoroughly. Those who do not chew enough or too fast may overwhelm the stomach. If the pieces of food are too large, they not only remain long in the stomach but may also come to pieces in the large intestine where to begin to ferment them. This process leads to gases being released and then flatulence. Proper chewing can help avoid the build up of gases and reduce flatulence
- No late night meals especially before going to bed because the food will be improperly digested and can lead to bloating and indigestion problems.